Sunday, January 5, 2014

Merry Christmas, Harts!

My dad decided that he really like our puppy, Zoey, and he wanted one of his own. So he looked and looked and I helped him search, and we finally found a breeder in Iowa that had Cockapoos ready at Christmas time. So I went and picked this little cutie up the Saturday before Christmas near Des Moines, Iowa and kept her until my family came to visit a week later. 

They named her Sally, she's super adorable, but don't let those sweet puppy eyes fool you. She's a stinker. Hahah, okay not really, she's just an aunery(no idea how to spell that) puppy who hasn't learned right from wrong yet. Once she learns that, she'll be uber awesome :) 


We had a lot of fun taking care of her throughout the past couple weeks. She did such a good job at playing with Zoey and getting her worn out and ready for bed. :) 

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