Monday, January 14, 2013


Okay, so I've seriously been slacking off lately! I haven't written a blog post in like two whole months! What the whhhhaaat? So exciting things that have happened in my life since then .. December : Devin had lots of finals to study for and did so great, A's in everything! He's pretty much a genius, and graduated with his Bachelors in Finance! Whoop Whoop for Devin! Also, I had a pretty crazy month at work. I worked at a Great Harvest Bread Company as a baker. So normally I would come in around 4 in the morning and leave around noon. Instead I came in around 6 a.m. and left around ohhhh 8 p.m. ... for two. weeks. straight. There was a constant line out the doors for a lot of the time, and I was crazy busy and crazy tired. I don't know how I made it out alive. Then, we went to Christmas in Oklahoma! It snowed on Christmas dayy, just a little, it barely even covered the ground. You could still see the grass. Pretty lame snow, but it was a great Christmas! Devin and I got to spend lots of time with my family, play lots of games with my brothers, and broke in our new coats real quick since it was seven degrees! :) When we got back from Oklahoma, we went to see Les Miserables with Devin's parents. Seriously - an incredible movie. I've never seen the play before, but I want to see it super bad now. Then we went to Temple Square and saw the lanterns and such on New Years Eve, like we did when Devin proposed to me last year! It was great. Then we went to the Roof restaurant, the same place Devin took me New Years Eve after he proposed. It was pretty much an incredible night. :) The next day .. January 1st We left for Illinois! We drove for two days adn finally got to our new home. We had a crazy exciting adventure of putting up light fixtures, installing blinds in our windows, and building shelves and things like that. The next day our moving company and cable company came, they were here all day, it was a pretty crazy day! One week later - We're finally all unpacked, set up, and living our lives like normal people! Who am I kidding? We aren't normal! We're a Despain-Hart family ... Bahah! We went to our new ward yesterday and made lots of new friends, we were invited to dinner at the ward clerks house and had a great evening with their family! So all in all everything is great here in Chicagoland! Devin is finally finding the quickest way home from work, I have a couple job interviews this week, and we're learning our way around the neighborhood. Things are going great and I think we're gonna make it through this!

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